School project update

Week 3 of our couch to 5K school project in Bristol, our year 10 students are doing brilliantly. Some learnings so far ✨

The group much (MUCH) prefer longer runs and breaks to shorter runs and shorter breaks. Soaking up those very useful rest periods.

  • Giving the students autonomy in space (in allowing them to train off school grounds) has been a great incentive for them and a big hit. It was worth their fantastic P. E teacher Hannah helping us to push for this.

  • Their pacing is 90% there, we still have a few sprinters!

  • The students are tough cookies and are not fazed by bad weather at all.

  • Sadly the thought of running in front of other children at school horrifies a number of them, we're hoping to change this, but let's see. It's a process. On to the next few weeks we go.